Carbon Alt Delete

Lloyds Bank x Athena (Journey to Net Zero)

E-commerce style site that allows chefs to order ingredients from different suppliers while comparing the carbon footprint of each ingredient all in one place


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My Role

I was responsible for designing and implementing the front-end of the application. The wire framing and low fidelity prototype were completed in Figma. I then created a high fidelity prototype following the design using HTML and CSS. Finally I used React to create the front-end of the web application.

What I Learnt

Being my first project, everything was new and I was able to learn many things including:

  • Wire framing/prototyping in Figma
  • Responsive designs
  • React front end - components and hooks
  • UX design research and creating user journey maps
  • Version control with GitHub

Difficulties I had

Figma was a completely foreign tool to me before starting this project so initially I had trouble understanding how to create the pages the way I wanted, but slowly got the hang of it and was able to create every page much faster. Being my first responsive web application, I initially ran into problems of having content in weird positions, sideways scrolling etc when in smaller screens. The biggest challenge was using React and understanding how it worked. I also challenged myself to create a functioning cart which I found quite difficult but enjoyable as I was able to learn about the useContext API..

What's next for Carbon Alt Delete

As I continue to improve my skills and understanding of e-commerce sites, I wish to continue this project and make it fully functioning, by incorporating Sanity for product management and Stripe for payments.

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